onsdag 28 oktober 2009

Mosquito Tactics reporting from Bangkok

Today is the first day of the UNESCO Second Global Forum on the Power of Peace. This is a working conference designed for the further development of the Power of Peace Network (PPN). The main porpoise of PPN is to increase mutual understanding around the world by supporting diverse social and cultural self-expression through modern tools of information and communication.

Tomorrow morning, Mosquito Tactics and Mosquito Tactics blog will be present in the session "Innovation in Media and ICTs for Peace: Youth Leadership". MT blog will be shown as an effective communication tool for active global citizens and the sharing of their peace initiatives all over the world inspired by Mosquito Tactics.

This is a great opportunity to show how CISV collaborate with the development of more peaceful and justice societies.

fredag 16 oktober 2009

Jan Eliasson has one

- get your own copy of Mosquito tactics at www.cisv.se/mosquitotactics

fredag 2 oktober 2009

Mosquito tactics agree with Ban Ki-moon

UN Press, 2 October 2009

Gandhi’s message of non-violent struggle key to facing modern threats

Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy of non-violence in the face of aggression is an enduring symbol of hope for leaders and grass-roots campaigners alike in defeating the growing number of hostile forces threatening the modern world, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.

In a message marking the third annual International Day of Non-violence, observed on 2 October in honour of Mr. Gandhi’s birthday, Mr. Ban said that Mr. Gandhi understood that a powerful idea could change the world.

“He knew that individuals, working alone and together, could realize what others might dismiss as impossible dreams,” Mr. Ban said of Mr. Gandhi, whose non-violent struggle led to an independent India and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom around the globe.

“We strive, for example, to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction,” he said. “Recent initiatives and meetings, including last week’s Security Council summit on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, have improved prospects for reductions in global arsenals.”

Mr. Ban underscored the importance of sustaining this momentum, and called on the international community to press for success at next year’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference and beyond.

“The call to non-violence need not apply only to the use of deadly weapons,” he added. “The United Nations and its grass-roots partners have long campaigned to stop the human assault on our planet.”

Greenhouse gas emissions have long threatened the planet, he said, urging activists everywhere “to turn up the heat on world leaders to seal a deal at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December.”