tisdag 28 april 2009

Q's, Round 2, 28 April 09 – Content: Peace

Before taking time to answer these questions please first read the section on "Peace" (page 11-19).
  1. After reading the section on "Peace", do you feel that you live in a country where there is peace?
  2. Do you understand the difference between war, violence, strutural violence, peace and positive peace?
  3. What does the concept of "positive peace" mean to you?

Please send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org

torsdag 23 april 2009

Q's, Round 1, 23 April 09: Structure: overall

Before reflecting and giving feed-back on these questions please first read page 109-110; "One book, on peace".
  1. After reading "One book, on peace" do you feel that it summarises the content of the book?
  2. Do you feel that the book has a main thread that is recognizible throughout it?
  3. Do you feel that you can open any page and learn something new?
  4. Is there something you would like us to change about the structure?

Join our feed-back group on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mosquito-tactics/136321865222?ref=s) or send your feed-back to mosquito@se.cisv.org

onsdag 22 april 2009

We love feed-back!

Today we start the process for collecting feed-back on version 0 of “Mosquito tactics – a coffee table book about peace education”.

While you are analyzing the book before sending us feed-back please take in to consideration that the target group of the book is everyone in the age of 15 to 50, from different parts of the world, living different lives and that most use English as their second language.

The ambition of the “Mosquito tactics” project to discuss, educate, inspire, provoce and through this create a common understanding about what peace education is and how it is connected to the concept of peace and different peace initiatives.

Questions and dates
We have divided the questions into different topics and linked each one to different days.
We will send out a group of questions every sixth day so you will have some time to send in your answers. This will hopefully help you reflect on the different part that come together in the book, and will also help us in getting back sharp feed-back.

Calendar and questions
  • 23 April 09 – Structure: overall
  • 28 April 09 – Content: Peace (page 11–23)
  • 3 May 09 – Content: Peace culture (page 27–47)
  • 7 May 09 – Content: Peace education (page 57–79)
  • 11 May 09 – Content: Peace initiative (page 81–107)
  • 15 May 09 – Language (text): overall
  • 19 May 09 – Graphic design, photos, and illustration: overall
  • 23 May 09 – General feedback and ideas

Contact us at mosquito@se.cisv.org
Or, join our feedback group on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mosquito-tactics/136321865222?ref=s

onsdag 15 april 2009

Feed-back on version 0

From: David Lister
Date: 2009/4/14
To: mosquito@se.cisv.org

Hi to the Mosquito people.

I do not like the spelling mistakes or the use of bad English. For instance, you cannot use a phrase “piss me off” in a document like this.

I do not understand the relevance of the pictures to the content and what appears to be a map of the world is just not recognisable if that is what it is meant to be.

Is this for the whole of CISV or just Sweden because I do not see the connection with the whole world of CISV. I think CISV International is only mentioned once.

How much money has been wasted on this especially from UNESCO. I have just seen an email which professes to say that the young people in Sweden are responsible people, this document makes me want to query that.

David Lister

Note (from the Mosquito tactics team): David Lister is an Honorary Counsellor of CISV International.